Dr. Frances Villagran-Glover
Dr. Frances Villagran-Glover serves as President for Houston Community College-(HCC)
Southeast. HCC is ranked first among all community colleges in the nation in providing
Associate Degrees to minorities and first in educating international students with a total
student population of 69,000 degree-seeking students. Frances has worked in higher education
for over 25 years has had a career in education spanning across six states working in K-12,
community colleges and higher education national associations.
As a first-generation college graduate, she has a profound commitment to educational
opportunity and equity for all. Throughout her career, Frances has worked to improve student
pathways into higher education, and to provide students the tools to accomplish their
educational, professional, and personal goals. In recent years, she has participated in national
policy and community efforts focused on tackling basic student needs and barriers to student
success. A recognized champion for empowering students, Frances has presented nationally on
topics related to student success and community engagement.
Frances received her B.S. in community health education from Texas A&M University, M.Ed. in
educational leadership from Northern Arizona University and a Doctor of Education in
community college leadership from George Mason University. She is a National Community
College Hispanic Council’s (NCCHC) Class of 2014 Leadership Fellow and Board Member,
Leadership Houston Class XXXVII graduate and currently serves on the Advisory Board for Baker
Ripley-Harbach Campus. She was also selected to represent HCC as part of Excelencia in
Education Presidents for Student Success.
Frances is a native Texan and is married to Robert Glover, Retired USMC Lt. Colonel. While
Frances has played many leadership roles her career, she considers her greatest role to be that
of mother to her seven children, fondly called the A-Team. She is also a proud grandmother of
three. In her spare time, Frances enjoys hiking, traveling, and volunteering in her community.
Her motto is “Find a way or make one.”